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Happy Easter

Geese Scare. Early A.M. this morning (1 a.m. or so) , Tiffany heard a lot of noise from the geese and went outside with a stick and a light and saw the eyes of something that was trying to drag off a goose. She made a lot of noise and it ran away. The goose is still alive and Tiffany thinks it might be okay. So that means it was probably a cougar and the geese are on borrowed time.

The store window is outstanding. Was that Jess' idea? Beautiful.

Hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Easter. Yep, that's right, Tiff and I will be at Judi's house for a nice ham dinner. I am bringing the deviled eggs. Looking forward to it.

Took my poor car over to Judi's and washed it this afternoon and it looks like a new vehicle. Was afraid if I didn't do something soon, I would be drummed out of the hood.


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