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One of my neighbors had some form of dementia and recently apparently got lost - so his kids were moving things out of his trailer today. My neighbor said he is going into an assisted living facility. Another husband possibility down the tubes.

Went out to the farm today to feed geese and cat. Geese alive but the eggs are now getting eaten as soon as they are laid. Did not see the turkeys.

Of course Corvallis is the safest place to be. We expect to see you out at your farm when the big one hits all the other states. Judi and I will have dinner ready because the farm is a lot closer to us than you. HA. We may even prepare our famous goose dinner and perhaps shove an apple in its mouth like a pig. Also in lieu of goose we just might go to the creek and catch some trout and/or maybe a turkey. You may own the farm but remember he who gets to the farm first, gets the best bed. Sorry Sid and Sandra - that would be my body stretching in comfort.

Diana good picture of you and Bill. Was glad to get a glimpse of Noah girlfriend. If Jess won't get married, perhaps at some point, we can coerce Noah into having his wedding in Hawaii. (I know Bill, I can hear you grumbling from here - NOT FOR ANOTHER 10 YEARS and THEN you may push Judi and I in our wheelchair built for two with a side car holding my two ancient dogs.)

This will be our firm Mother's Day without Bop so not a good one. I plan on going to the cemetary tomorrow to visit for awhile.


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