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Apparently whether or not you have to lay face down depends on the type of bubble that is injected into your eye. So, no, I did not have to be on my face but I was not supposed to be on my back in bed or a recliner or bend over. Not bending over is the hardest because it is done to automatically. I am still looking through a glass of water. I think he said it takes about a week for the bubble to dissolve and 3 weeks to actually see. Tiffany is taking good care of me.

Judi and Max are due back at the farm today to continue mowing. So I put on a roast. Me feeding anyone is pretty iffy at best. We are having rhubarb crisp for desert (thanks to Dee).

KC did I mention that Donna Brown has totally disappeared off the face of the earth and according to Rita none of the family knows where she is. I think that happened a few years ago.

KC you really need to come to a Days Creek reunion some year just for kicks. They are a lot of fun and a little depressing (for me) because the people I poked fun at all my life that stayed in the hills have wonderful retirements and their homes are paid for.

I think on Wednesday I will have Tiffany take me home. Not that I don't love the farm but I am missing my hiddy hole. Yesterday Tiff took me back to the house to pick up my mail and hook up my new computer. She said it is working. I am a bit concerned about hooking up the printer but Joe said Jonathan is pretty savy and can walk me through it. Once again, one can only hope.

Looking forward to seeing you all shortly.

Joe and Jonathan bought a new 24 foot RV (I think the length is correct) and they took it to Nevada to see Uncle Dick (Les's brother). Dick battled cancer once and it is back and I think is in hospice. So a lot of the kids and grandkids, Les and Margie headed to Nevada to see him. Mike and Tina were not able to go.


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