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Yep, I think Steph is one happy girl.

Took the dogs up to the Sulpher Springs yesterday and was parking my car when a coyote ran in front of the car. I obviously did not get out of the car until I was sure he had disappeared into the woods. So on this walk, I carried a very long stick and kept the dogs out of the underbrush.

Did I mention that my left eye has almost regained all the sight it had lost. I would think it is probably 20/60 (without glasses) which is really really good compared to what it had dropped to which was about zero. After my next appointment with the surgeon, I will set up an appointment with my eye doctor and get a new glasses prescription.

My poor tomatoes are struggling and with my luck will ripen while I am in Colorado.

Trying my hand on selling things on Ebay and I have people watching a couple of the items but no bids as of yet. I was hoping that I could sell and make enough on Ebay to avoid going back into the workforce - but no, it looks like I will be looking for some type of employment in September.

See everyone soon.


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