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Tory & Borzois

Tory looks great. Congratulations to KC in making that long haul and congratulations to what continues to be an amazing winning streak amongst the KC and Tom Borzois. Obviously they both know how to train their dogs and pick good stock.

Took the dogs to the farm today and it was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Dew on the grass, the sun was shining and the forest was on fire with trees of red, green and gold. I always describe what I am seeing to Bopcha, Granny and Uncle Matt just in case they are listening.

Saw lots of deer tracks and, of course, the wild turkeys in the field. We walked across the bridge and around the lower field - always keeping an eye open for that lone coyote that might want a small morsal to nibble on. Grabbed a couple apples from the trees and ate them both before I got back to town.

Stopped at the Philomath Post Office and mailed Alexis birthday present. Much cheaper to buy for a 3 year old.


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