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Plan on taking my RV out next week and considered the campground at South Umpqua Falls but it sounds like dry camping We haven't had any significant rain since Judi caulked the RV so I figure if I take it camping, it will rain (Murphy's law). I am also considering going to Lostine to visit Pat Fairfield but it is a 6+ hour drive so still undecided. I think I will keep an eye on the weather and make a decision this weekend.

I think Diana and friends are at the farm this weekend - and they have had great weather. I'm sure the fire feels good in the evening.

I think this is supposed to be a cold winter so those of you in Colorado and Philadelphia just might wish you were in Oregon.

Saw on Dogs 101 something re Borzois and was really impressed. They did say that they should never allowed to run loose in an unsecured area and should be on a leash when walked. Could it be because they go a zillion miles an hour. I fully expected to see pictures of KC and Tom with their Zois.

Working on booties for Harper but having a terrible time. Will give it one more shot and then try my hand on crocheting a newborn beanie.


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