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You deserve every pound you gain since you are the one that got me addicted and then my stores stopped carrying them.

Took the dogs to MLK for a walk this morning and in driving home I happened to glance to my left and saw 3 deer trotting down the sidewalk. I then glanced to my right and a deer was standing on the sidewalk facing the road like it was waiting for a light. Because I had just gone through a school zone, I was going slow but upon seeing the deer, I slowed ever further and the deer crossed behind my car and in front of the car following me. I am so hoping that the little herd of 4 gets off the sidewalk and into the trees at some point.

It amazes me that I can walk in some out of the way places - see nothing and continue to see deer in town.

Max was working on the front door of Judi's house yesterday to try and stop air leakage. He does good work.

Who has their Christmas decorations up?


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