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There is never a time that the farm does not absolutely take my breath away.

My Christmas decorations are pretty sparse but I do have a few out.

Ramone is having balance problems (hind legs). He started falling and has trouble on my kitchen floor. The vet thinks it is what he had before - a disk problem. There is not much they can do but I am going to do the exercises that I did the first time around. She does not think there will be a great deal of improvement. SO, we will keep going as long as he can walk and is not in pain. It seems my long walks with the dogs are out or at least I will need to carry Ramone most of the way.

Since the dogs and I had our encounter with a coyote on Chip Ross, I bought a can of pepper spray that shoots 15 feet and a loud whistle. My neighbor said that most of her encounter with coyotes are when she walks her dog early in the morning.

Sandra, so glad you are feeling better - what a relief. Onward with the biscotti making - don't forget those of us on the west coast.


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