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Whale Watching

The boat trip out of Depoe Bay was fun and we did see a couple of whales and some sea lions.

Both my car and my RV are in the shop. Can we say GRR.

Diana and I have great luck and it held on this trip. The weather on the coast held until the boat docked and then shortly thereafter it sprinkled a bit. A a wonderful bowl of chowder in Newport. We some some whale watching Zodiacs at Depoe Bay and I want to investigate and see what it costs to take a trip out in one of those.

Yes, I know, I look just lovely in the stocking hat. But listen it was warm and I was darn glad Diana brought the hats.

Max thinks it might be hunters that left the leg bones because no rib bones were visible. He said hunters often times cut off the legs. I have no idea but I since I haven't had a chance to do an on site investigation of the bones, I will make my decision at a later date. (When Diana finds the bones again and can take me to them.) Signed: Chief Inspector Daniels.


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