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Hello Family

KC and Diana gifted me with a computer and it is amazing to have one that works and with the assistance of Sid, I have a password that works.

No bites on the house. I was going to pull it off the market in November and wait for Spring but have decided to leave on the market.

Theresa was surprised with gifts from her superiors for her handling of the Emerald Challenge 2008 held at China Lake. She helped coordinated it and it consisted of various branches of the military from the U.S. and other countries. I do not know anymore than that. Last week she was called into a meeting that was actually a surprise get together so her suuperiors could present her with several gifts - a coin on a stand depicting various branches of the military, a patch, a crystal bowl on a revolving stand with aircraft on the bowl and some other items. Apparently, she did an outstanding job and yes I am bragging.

Gina's baby is due in a couple of weeks and that will give me 14 grandchildren (I think). I have some grandchildren doing very well and some very off track. You won't hear a lot about the ones off track because with them, I just hold my breath that they live through their bad choices.

Today I going to a Christmas Bazaar in Tacoma with Diana and Jessica and possibly Bill. It has turned into a yearly event and I hope to find some unique gifts.

Okay where the heck is spellcheck?????


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