Noah made it home safe and sound. He is without wheels, but is handling the loss well. I think we'll donate the remains of his vehicle to charity. At least we will get a tax deduction and maybe some nice mechanic will put a new engine in it and give it to a needy person. Noah will be fine without a car. Now that he's in college, he doesn't use it much during the year anyway.
Jessica is at work and is doing fine from what I can tell. I only see her in passing on most days. Luckily she leaves stuff strewn all over the house so I am regularly assured by the evidence that she is alive and well. She and Gavin are still an item. At least I think that is him I see glimpses of during the midnight hours!
Noah's podiatrist had an MRI done on Noah's ankle and now all of his health professionals are debating what to do. His tendons are stable, but he has bone marrow swelling (I think that is what they saw) that needs to heal. Noah is anxious to play in the July games (8 games with different colleges), but he may need to stay on the bench until the real fall practices begin. We will see. He has a team trainer, a team doctor, a physical therapist, and a podiatrist to figure it out. Oooooops, and the coach, of course.
I'm pooped. I had to be in Olympia all day for a deposition and sitting up and being alert took all of my energy.
Bill is fine, too. Benita is being assigned to finish her residency in Albany, New York. She has to be there July 1. So Bettye and the babies will be packing up and leaving Galveston pretty quickly. Change keeps you young!
Noah's road trip to California was a lot of fun -- while it lasted. On the way home, the engine on the %#@!! Honda Passport self-destructed and the boys are on a Greyhound as we speak. They made it to Chico (the vehicle is at a garage in a little town about 30 miles south of Chico). Sigh! Guess we'll have to get him a bicycle. I sure as HECK won't be getting him another Honda (it was a fake Honda as it turns out -- made by another manufacturer). We now have to decide whether to buy a used engine or sell the body for a few bucks (it is a nice looking vehicle) and try to find a cheap but reliable replacement. Grrrrr..... Oh well, car trouble on the road will make his road trip story more memorable.
I sure had fun on the occasion of Jessica's graduation. I should send her an extra thank you for giving us an excuse to gather together!! Bopcha says that the OSU baseball team won their game last night and its the championship game coming up. I'm biting my nails.
I just know you all would appreciate an update on the hounds. Little Nitro can barely stand being constrained to a walk. He's so hungry (how he got in trouble in the first place) that we've had to remove even his bedding and feeding bowls from his crate. He's been on one tablespoon of soft food in 1/2 cup of water every two hours for the last six days. Only eight more days to do. He is getting skinnier. His incision (12 inches long) is healing rapidly.
Ouragan got the losing end of a fight with (we think) Bonne Chance, and consequently spent last night in the hospital with a torn up face. One of Chance's teeth penetrated Ouragan's nasal cavity plus turned his muzzle into "hamburger" (to quote the emergency vet).
Blue, the husky we found and gave to our neighbor, came back to us this moring. We're waiting for the neighbor to come home so we can let her know where to find "Houdini/Blue."
Aramis earning second place to Ambassdor at the big international invitational coursing event on 3 June 2006.
Judi left this morning for Tacoma. It is very hot here. This morning I noticed the lower vines from the grape has been stripped of the leaves. I guess we have predators in town!!! Actually I think it was that deer I saw walking down D Avenue. It has returned!! It was really hot yesterday and I think today will be hot also. Hufsmith is cutting the hay (grass) in the field.
This is actually Kay. Well summer is obviously here and it is hot. The dogs are out barking at the Guinea Pigs who are safe in their little cage under the fig tree.
I have, for the most part, spent the day watching movies on tv and hiding from the sun. Really got a thrill out of Jess' graduation. And the food, as always, was spectacular. I think Judi is supposed to be heading this way for Marcia duty. I miss Fred but know he is in good hands at the farm with Bopcha and his buddies. Bopcha we are all glad you kicked your cold. I thought I was coming down with one but it was just really severe allergies.
Hello, everyone. I am finally getting over my cold. I went to Lebanon to see my bridge. They were still working on it. I was at the farm this morning picking up trash. I saw Fred and the other baby chickens. They are doing real well, chirping up a storm. It is a pleasure to be nearly over my cold. Bopcha
What a good time we had! There were 15 people at the farm for the afterparty. They left happily stuffed with Judith's amazing food (pork ribs, beef ribs, salmon, fruit salad, garlic bread, potato salad, shrimp stuffed mushrooms, otherwise stuffed mushrooms, etc. etc.). Jessica was one happy graduate when she returned to her work routine. Thanks to everybody!
Its been quite some time since I last talked to you. Sid and I are in his Big City office, I told him I did not have your email address any longer. I hope you are doing well and are in the best of health.
I will wait for your response and write more to your "blog" at that time.
It was an adventurous trip here in that I managed to spill my coke on my fellow passenger. He was nice about it and luckily his pant leg dried before the plane landed in Portland. Sigh. I wanted to finish my coke, but he looked at me with such suspicion after I spilled the first time that I didn't dare. I let the flight attendant take my soda away.
I hope for everyone's sake that the watermellons are all used up by the time the day is over today. They are heavy!!
Can't wait til everyone arrives. I've taken some nice picturesof Bop during our morning together. Sid will be so jealous that he's not here.
Today is Friday. KC arrived yesterday in a brand new Ford Taurus. She said it was cheeper to rent a car than to take the shuttle.
Kay and Diana are in Woodburn and will be does her by noon. Judi is coming in from the farm.
KC went to work with me this morning at the Gleaners near Pioneer Park. She carried Watermelon from inside and put them outside. Each melon weighs l7 to 20 lbs.
I feel sad about Moptop too. That rifle looked like it would be a good solution. Now if I could just SEE the critter. Bopcha
Now that bothers me! Doggone predators, leave our chickens alone! Good old mop head, she lasted along time and I'm very annoyed that she is gone. I am sure Nina will be quite upset. Who ever is causing the carnage had best watch their step!!!
I found Moptop at the bottom of the hill. She had been eaten up almost entirely, but her head was left. This time I think it was a coyote, because she had been carried to the bottom of the hill, and a pile of feces was nearby. It is dangerous being a chicken.