Wow, what amazing news about Tory. All I know is that occasionally I heard about a man named Robert in Tory's life. But I had not idea that marriage was around the corner. So exciting indeed. KC, you must be over the moon. What a wonderful announcement. The ring looks beautiful and the picture of you is adorable. Well obviously Robert is a lucky guy
Sounds like things are moving along nicely with Jessica and her wedding plans. Noah's assignment sounds like a real winner for him. I have a feeling this is going to lead him in a promising direction. It just sounds like it will.
What an exciting family, there is so much stuff going on and of course it is all really positive - who could ask for anything more.
Oh by the way Kay, what are sisters for if not for whining to. You should hear my sister and I. We always "cry on each other's shoulders." We can whine to each other constantly. The way we vent and complain is something we would never do with anyone else. But we take complete liberty to do that with each other. No one else I know would be willing to listen to my whining the way my sister does. What are sisters for. We are a little nuts though. Not sure too many sisters carry on the way we do.
Anyway, I wish everyone well in all this excitement. I can't wait to hear more about Murray's adventures.
Just when I think life can't get anymore exciting, Tory blows it off the map. Congratulations. We will all stay posted for the date of the nuptials.
Murray hope you got pictures and so glad you are safe. Post pics to blog when you can.
Went out to farm today and all is well. Walked to the creek and it is up a bit.
Still have good days and bad days with my cold. Yesterday not so good so I went over to Judi's for tea and to whine. Isn't she the luckiest sister to get the opportunity to hear me whine and moan. The rest of you sibs be glad you live out of town. Poor Judi.
My beautiful daughter showing off her sapphire and platinum engagement ring. Robert flew down to Colorado with the intention of asking for her hand in marriage. We're thrilled: a beautiful match of two beautiful people.
Noah is very excited about moving to Portland for six months. Nike calls it a stretch assignment. He gets more money and some good training in something they call allocation. I think Tom probably knows about that from his European sales days. All I know is it has something to do with getting the right product to the right store. Anyway, he is going down on Monday and Tuesday of this week to find an apartment.
I'm dying to hear about Murray's adventures in Ecuador!
The Mercer Island boys basketball team is now in the sweet 16 of the 3A state regional tournament. This afternoon we play Timberline, a team from the Olympia area. They have a D1 level junior who is 6'5" and very very athletic. And, of course, his teammates are pretty talented as well. Gulp!
Jessica's wedding plans are coming along well. Earlier in the week we shopped for (she bought) a few things to put in little activity bags for the 8 children who will be coming. Her dress arrived and next week she has her first fitting. She is supposed to have shoes by then, but, much like KC before her wedding, she is currently shoeless.
I did not make it to the farm this month. Basketball is a cruel mistress. I am going down for a week in March so that I can change registrations and utility records etc. to the LLC. Tiffany was down for a few days and reported that all was well, although she did find a dead mouse in the bathroom and a partial dirt floor collapse in the woodshed (thanks to our California ground squirrels, I suspect). Kay and Judi keep a watchful eye on things in the meantime.
Safe and sound and exhausted. Didn't reach the summit due to a avalanche danger on the summit pitch, but close at 5750m. Totally spent and haven't slept in 24 hours. Going back to Quito now where I am going to crash for a bit. Love M
My heart is in my throat after reading about Murray's adventures. He will be in my prayers constantly until we hear of his safe return.
Noah has been subpoened to testify at the trial of the rescued woman's significant other! What fun!
Noah got selected for a 6 month stint at the Nike headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. We have to scramble to find him an apartment by the beginning of March. He is sooooo happy to have this opportunity.
Wedding plans are slowly shaping up and it looks as if it will be a barrel o fun. JB's bridesmades are wearing dresses in "wild mushroom." It is a taupeish color. Should be lovely.
The MI basketball team has qualified for the state tournament and we are now in the District play offs, fighting for seeding. This afternoon we play a private school that has a 7 footer! Yeow!
The USFS is looking at the log placement sites at the farm today. The Forest Service is donating the logs and want to approve the placement. Judi is going with them, accompanied by Karen Fleck-Harding and Steve the handsome fish biologist.
That sounds like a great team Murray – but I’m glad you have your own guide and that the two of you have had at least a little one-on-one experience with each other. You were so wise to have your own guide. The moon is barely a crescent right now. I cannot imagine climbing in the dark. Will you be down on Friday PM? Happy Valentine’s Day. Sending love to my adventurous son. Your worried Mom
From: Little Wet Noses - Murray []
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:33 AM
I agree. The guide's name is "lobo" which is "wolf" in Spanish I think. If all goes well i should be down by 8am your time Friday morning, if you can believe it (if not sooner if it doesn't go well).
Leaving soon! Happy Valentines Day! Love MTM
On Feb 14, 2013 9:39 AM, "KC Thompson" wrote:
Murray – that seems too quick. You leave at midnight tonight and are back at 8 am tomorrow? Will you even get to see the view? Love Mom
From: Little Wet Noses - Murray []
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:50 AM
I adjusted the time to localize. I am GMT-5. So my time, i start climbing at midnight and get summit in 7 or so hours, then about 2-3 hours down. I might have messed up the conversion. But no, not much time on summit as it's very, very cold and dangerous. Off soon! Love M
From: Little Wet Noses - Murray []
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 8:20 PM
To: KC Thompson
Subject: Re: Trembling at the Thought
I'm trembling at the thought too. I leave base camp tomorrow morning for high camp and make the summit attempt tomorrow night (Thurs). It's truly an international expedition: me, an Aussie, a Swiss, and a German. We all have our own guides, but have been a team aside from that. Wish me luck! I think the weather looks favorable so I'm encouraged. But i won't push it and will be safe. I'll write when I'm down. Love MTM
Sandra - I totally sympathize--having a machine drop all my script before I get it saved has happened to me more than once -- and not just on this web site. Talk about aggravating. Meanwhile, I'm home from work today to bathe hounds and relocate my show gear. We have the big Denver cluster starting tomorrow. I'm taking time off work to go if you can imagine. Flash (our black yearling) and Swann (our 3 year old white girl) are my entrants all four days. It will be exhausting. Coursing, hunting, and racing are all way more fun for me.
I just wrote a really long message talking about Murray's adventures and Noah etc,.... and I accidently went off the site and looked at something in my e-mail. I lost the whole entire message. I am so upset. It is has been so long since I have written and I forgot how touchy this is and how you have to constantly save it.
Oh no, I think I am too tired to write another message right now. It is always hard for me to find down time in the evening - in which I actually have the energy to write.
Just remember though I really enjoy reading about everyone's adventures and I hope to find more time to write. I love hearing from everyone on the blog.
By the way, I am completely intrigued by Murray's climb. The most recent description is breath taking. I don't know where people find the courage to do climbing. It is so intense. I have always been really fascinated by climbing. But don't worry not curious enough to find out for myself how it may be. I look forward to hearing more of Murray's adventure.
Diana, I never had the chance to tell you but I was really impressed by Noah's actions on picking up a woman on the street who was covered in blood. That is quite a courageous act. See you and Bill really instilled good character.
I will have to sign off for now. I really wish I had not lost everything I wrote earlier, but I will try to stay more in touch.
Be well everyone. I think a lot about all of you wonderful sisters.
Hey T - well, made it up volcano #2, to 5126m (16800') today. Absolutely exhausting, 8 hours of strenuous, exposed climbing, 16km in total, starting in rain and ending in snow. The absolute scariest shit that I have ever done. Period. Some places were so exposed with 500m drops on either side of the climbing ridge that I really didn't think I could do it - it was so slippery, no ropes or crampons, OMG. But, calmed down, breathed deeply, found and connected to my bravery and somehow managed to move on. Again, and again and again. Then, further up, the guide decided that harness, helmets and rope was necessary cause that's when the really steep exposed stuff started. I honestly don't know how I did it. But, I made it back down safely. And exhausted from the physical and mental effort. Tommorow I rest off the body stress at such extreme altitude exertion, and rest my muscles for the real deal, Cotopazi.
Noah looks so handsome. I'm wondering if he's going to move into politics someday. With his looks and charisma...why not? I'd be one proud aunt for sure.
From: Little Wet Noses - Murray []
Subject: Things are going well!
Hi everyone,
Things are going just fine down here. Taking in the sights, working out and preparing myself as best I can for the journey ahead. I meet my guide tomorrow and we head to base camp at 3200m (10,500') where I'll spend the next 4 nights acclimitizing and climbing progressively higher volcanos during those days. Then, move up to 4600m (15,100') for the last night before the midnight ascent attempt, weather permitting of course. Excited and scared silly, but that's all part of the fun and i'm taking it in stride.
There was an earthquake this morning in southern Columbia that rocked our world down here! So glad it didn't happen while climbing! It really zcared me - a dropping feeling followed by moderate rolling for 45-60 seconds. Enough of that, thank you very much.