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News from Bopcha

Well, that is a good heading, but actually there is not much news from this area that you have not heard about already. The chickens are beginning to lay again, and they are busy tilling the soil in the garden spaces. Question: The snow seems to stay the longest on the garden spots we have in town and at the farm. The snow will still be white on the garden when all the other snow has melted. I thought all the organic material in the ground would make it warmer and hence melt the snow faster!

Sid, do you still have your garden spot? I have been looking at the seed catalogs for SALSIFY SEED. It grows something like parsnips but had a fishy taste when it is cooked. I used to like it as a kid. It might also be known as an OYSTER PLANT.

We found a strange apple shaped fruit from a tree in the park. It is called a Hedge apple or an Osage Orange. It is not edible and is related to a mulberry. It is as big as a big apple. It is funny how I keep learning something new all the time.

I take sunflower seeds out to the farm chickens to give them a treat. When they see my car come over the hill, they all come running to meet me. One hen, one that Kay gave me, sees the sunflower seeds in the plastic bags and pecks a hole in the bag so the seeds come falling out. She has done it more than once. The weather id great at last! Love, Bopcha

I'm puzzled

KC told me that Sandra had written a letter on the blog. I don't see it. Did it go into the atmosphere and is not returnable?

Also, KC, would you send me Yurek's return e-mail address. I appreciated receiving his nice letter but the heading was left off.

The sun is shining today, and was shining yesterday. It is 40 degrees outside. The Seahawks have just lost their game with the Chicago Bears. And yesterday I was sad to learn the Philadelphia team also lost.

Today I planted some pumpkin seeds. I know, I know --it is much too early. The ground was so hard I planted the seeds on top of the ground, covered it with fertilizer, and on top of that, some ground up bark. It makes a nice mound, so we'll see what happens when Spring arrives

and wakes up the seeds, and if all goes well, there will be pumpkins this fall!!!

Best wishes for the NEW YEAR

Thank you, KC, for the pictures of Irka and Yanek,and the letter. It was good to see them. I appreciate your skill and transferring the pictures from your computer to the computer at the library.

I wish you all your desires for the magnificent future we will all enjoy in 2007. Won't it be great to see it unfolding in front of us all!

Love, Bopcha

Update from the stormy Pacific Northwest

Greetings all you good people! Bill and Diana were down Friday and Saturday. Bill did some nice chores for me, and we picked up fragments of branches that were strewn (sp?) over the landscape. Saturday we took the Ranger out for a ride across the creek. Mr. Ferris made fire wood out of a down tree in the island and delivered a portion of it to the woodshed. He gives me one-third of his labors. Diana and Bill are home now, because Noah is back from California and Jessica is there also. They will go to church today.

I was at the farm this morning and found two brown eggs in the chicken house. I took them some sunflower seeds. When I came back home I found Sid's message on the answering machine so I made a b-line to the library.

Hello Nina! It was fun to get your message. That Santa Claus was unbelievable! I could not get the audio here at the library, but Santa was sure talking up a storm. I wonder if the r

eindeer ever got a chance to take off. Well, of course, that will b


Love to you all, from Bopcha

Colorado Snow

6PM Wednesday

It is a struggle to keep the drifts from the house exit door. The snow is still coming down hard with constant wind 35mph gusting to 60 plus mph. The snow is drifting in the driveway to over 4 feet. All of the dogs had to be brought inside, including 1 stray that we rescued from the storm. Fortunately we have electricity. All of our roads (24, 84, Curtis) are officially closed and we have not even seen a county snow plow in hours. As soon as the wind and snow subsides tomorrow, we’ll start digging out.

The ZoiBoyz Coursing & Racing Team

Sunday. after the storm

Unbelievable, how the time flies. The storm was about 50 miles per hour. The power was off about two hours at my house, at night mostly, so it wasn't too bad. Diana called this morning and said they may go to Kay's house in Tacoma, because the power has been off there since the storm. KC is on her way home from Oklahoma. No ribbons, this trip. KC said she learned a lot about preparing the dogs for "show". I was at the farm this morning, there are a few broken branches laying around, but the big fir tree I was concerned about, is still standing. I did see some equally huge fir trees tipped over downtown, torn out by the roots.

Much love to all Bopcha

December 1, 2006

The pictures were beautiful Sid. You know, it seemed to me that the hill the Ranger went up was almost vertical.

Such pretty pictures. Love, Bopcha