Building projects and firewood

Nice, even entrance to the mobile … great buldozing!

Sid is putting up the skirting and crawling under the mobile … Army Ranger training came in handy!

The Rickshed (woodshed by Rick) is looking good.

Mike the woodcutter reduced the stump that was impeding access to the cut through forest road. Nice.

Piles of nicely split firewood along the cut through forest road.

Mike split the oak and Bill and I loaded it up and hauled it to the farm. But…not before noticing a hornet nest right above the work area!


June and progress

We don’t often see elk on our property, but here are two big ones.

Bianca looked, but decided not to chase the big rascals.

Jack the rooster is looking quite colorful lately.

Not yet split, but Mike the woodcutter left some nice pieces of oak, so Bill and I took a load to the farmhouse.

The woodshed is coming along nicely.

Even the woodshed has a fabulous view.

Nice work finishing the overhang.

Mike the woodcutter’s work.

Stump hazard!


Mike also did some path mowing.


KC and two Zoiboyz at the farm!

KC, Sid, Sunny, and Phoenix arrive for a visit and farm inspection after their wildly successful coursing event in Washington state.

Bianca was a gracious hostess and took quite a liking to Phoenix.

Ms. Tym gets a workout distributing soil.

Sid found this beautiful redtail hawk on Henkle Way. It had an injured wing. Sid took off his shirt, wrapped the hawk, and …

the hawk thanked him profusely! Neighbor Ed unhooked the hawk’s talons from Sid’s arm and Sid delivered said hawk to the Chintimini Wildlife Center where they nurse like birds back to health.

This fun piece of equipment got used for a couple of chores near the top of the big garage/barn.

Bill and Diana took a tour of a lovely tree farm. Touring other folks’ tree farms is a wonderful way to learn.


Limbs, fallen trees, and crazy animals

This big oak limb is perfect for Mike the woodcutter!

Another victim for Mike.

And this one is perfect for Bill.

Picking windows for the toolshed portion of the woodshed.

The Polish hens get prettier by the day.

See the coyote?

Hard working pair resting in the shade.


Tour preparations

Day one involved getting a new battery for Unk’s Ford Ranger.

Moving and making repairs to one of the picnic tables.

Days one and two…buying and spreading straw to make the muddy part of the trail more walkable.


Prepping and organizing

Can anyone tell me why Bianca selects a dirt pile to rest on when there is nice, green grass nearby?

Random wood … we will move it to a landing to slowly rot away while providing habitat for small critters.

Some pieces are too long for the Ranger and the forest road.

Sid is standing where the wood will be stored. Rick is standing where tools and mowers will be stored.

We are hosting a tour on Friday. Sid mowed the path to make the walk a wee bit easier.

We think folks will enjoy seeing a large wood placement in Rock Creek.


Spring progress

Clean up continues.

The woodshed is in the midst of framing.

Sandra is back in Pennsylvania, but her hard work in the garden lives on!

Sid demonstrates the spikes he needs to stabilize Bopcha’s viewpoint.


Woodshed and bushwhacking

The new chicks find comfort cuddling with one another.

Sid and Bill admire Rick’s work on the new woodshed.

See the cement? This structure will withstand the wind!

Bushwhacking led Bill to a lovely spot where there are lots of blooming dogwood trees.

Aha! A clump of Scotch broom!

If you look closely, you can see all the Scotch broom clump lying down on the ground, ruthlessly chopped down by Bill and Diana.


Sandra, Nina & Will at work

Sid has a fine work crew here! They arrived on the 19th and 20th and have been hitting it hard ever since.

Kay makes sure Rick and the woodshed stay on task.

Fruit tree blossoms against a magnificent oak tree.

River rock purchased to fill the ditch that should stop water from running across the cow lane.

Hopefully this will solve the problem.

Sid and Miss Tym love hauling dirt, rock … you name it.

Kay makes sure the Loop trail is clear.

Sandra begins the organization of the big garage.

Nina is hard at work.

Will…where is the rest of that motorcycle?

The apple tree and Kay

One of three new chickens Nina and Will brought. Jack, a black rooster, Claire and ??? the golden Polish hens.


More clearing Rock Creek trail

Another obstruction just a wee bit further down the trail from yesterday’s efforts.

Diana had to take a quick trip back to have Sid put the chain back on the saw … guess we will avoid getting it stuck next time!

Obstruction cleared.

This one got manhandled off the road by Bill’s muscles.


Oh no!


More …

