Forest Roads Mostly Cleared

The farmhoue tulips are lovely.
Sid’s office, located in the back of the small garage, has a beautiful new floor.
Not to mention a gorgeous view.
Mike the woodcutter drove most of the main forest roads over the weekend and cleared them of multiple obstructions. Bill is simply cutting a winder passage in order to get a few more pieces of firewood.
We mounted the game camera in the same general location it was in when it got the photos of all the animals a year or so ago.
This is the view I hope the camera has. That is Bill in the background, not Big Foot.
This tall Doug-fir is blocking the forest road that leads to the pond formed just past the giant culvert that brings Griffith Creek onto our property.
The pond is full and flowing in several outlets.
Something has fallen, and it sure is mossy.
This leaning tree looked hazardous.
Down it went, thanks to Bill and a bow saw.
Every place Mike cleared an obstruction, he left us firewood.
Griffith Creek looks so pretty.
You can see how nicely Sid has mowed the slope near the house.
I finally did more than take photos and pull Scotch Broom.
