Bianca wisely keeps her distance while Sid, Tory and Robert wait for the honeybees to notice them. This hive is a wee bit more aggressive than the last, and yes … the bees did notice the observers and promptly buzzed Sid.Bill and Sid found the strength necessary to move a huge beam after Robert and Tory treated all the Aunts and Uncles to a tasty lunch.The old steps to the small porch died and Sid replaced them with these sturdy fellows.Can anyone identify this flower/weed? We have been busy learning to identify Poison hemlock, Water hemlock, Cow parsnip, Cow parsley and Yarrow (we already knew how to i.d. Queen Anne’s lace). This one escaped identification UNTIL, after endless searching, Diana figured out it was Celeryleaf licorice-root.The vetch is pretty, but it will take over given half a chance.Ox eye daisy and vetch. So pretty..Scotch broom? Not pretty to these eyes