From the net: FSC is a non-profit organization headquartered in Bonn, Germany. The letters FSC stand for Forest Stewardship Council. FSC was founded in Toronto in 1993 at the initiative of environmental organizations from 25 countries.
In 2022, FSC is supported by international business, governments, social and environmental organizations such as World Wide Fund for Nature , Greenpeace and ICCO .
FSC Certification is the process to obtain the FSC certificate. With an FSC certification, a company shows that it purchases and sells wood from sustainably managed forests. The certified company is part of the so-called Chain of Custody and is therefore a link in the trade chain from forest to end user, of wood from sustainably managed forests.
The FSC organization was established to promote responsible management of forests. The so-called FSC standard (also called the principles and criteria) for responsible forest management balances social, environmental and economic interests.
Forest management in accordance with this standard, with associated possible wood and paper production, protects forests for current and future generations.