Hot weather and hard workers …

Master carpenter Rick at work on the front porch replacement project.

Kay, Sid and Rick test the weight-bearing strength of the new porch.

So sturdy! Painting and non-skid application next.

Kay, Diana and Sandra love the feel of a good ladder.

Having wrestled toddlers and a very strong baby (grandchildren), trimming the bushes in front of the dining room porch was easy-peasy for Diana.

A neck massage is just what the hard-working Sandra wished for.

This is the widowmaker Shane the logger cut. John the woodcutter will make a nice pile of firewood out of it.

Here is the other widowmaker Shane cut for us. He had to take two trees as the leaning tree refused to fall even after being cut.

Grampa Brent’s little garage had residual building materials that Sid and Miss TYM sought to remove. Notice the nice, straight, new downspout on the big garage/barn.

River loam delivery!

River loam about to be distributed.

And then there is mowing … always.
