The Shiver River workforce at its very best!Sister KC inspects Shiver River while riding on a very cool Harley.The Loop Trail encroached on our neighbor’s property for a short stretch, so when they harvested this month, they reclaimed their property and the Loop Trail is no longer a loop. Here you see Bill and Sid at one dead end of the trail.Looking at our neighbor’s project from one dead end of the Loop Trail.The logging from our neighbor has driven lots of wildlife our way. Bianca was so tired of chasing the extra coyotes that she chose to watch the bridge repair from a shady spot. Notice to the right of the photo, the piles of rock that will fill the ditch. It is the big stuff, so the water will continue to flow, but Sid won’t risk life and limb and Ranger and tractor by falling into a deep ditch.Merle is a master at plucking boulders out of the dump truck and strategically placing them on the banks of Rock Creek.These are the piles of rock along the ditch prior to their being distributed evenly by a giant machine (rather than old folks with shovels!).Ahhhh….rock nicely distributed.So macho.We had two truckloads of forest road repair rock delivered. One to be dumped at the entry to the Rock Creek trail, and one to be dumped near the Griffith Creek viaduct. In order for the dump truck to deliver the latter, it had to be able to access a forest road from the Watershed Road. That meant getting the requisite permission (which we did) and moving the giant logs blocking access. In this picture you see Sid attaching the winch cable to the bigger of the two logs.The smaller log was so rotten that Bill had no trouble cutting it up and moving it by manpower.This small log that was blocking the way farther down the forest road was a much tougher challenge.This is the rock pile near the entry to the Rock Creek trail. As you can see, the grade of rock is smaller than what was used to fill the ditch.