As always, Sid is busy working while Bill and Diana take off on a walk with clippers in hand. The Ranger is in the shop (again) trying to get its transmission issue fixed.

This bare spot off the lower field loves to grow Scotch broom. As many times as it has been cleared, Bill found some blooming bushes and I found some new ones that had yet to get old enough to bloom. Constant diligence required!

This field is due to be mowed. Thanks to Woodcutter Mike. He’ll mow the far field in September.

This tender little volunteer seedling has the cutest little tips. I have seen lots of seedlings, but I don’t think I’ve ever observed the little tips that you see on this one.

As we walked around the perimeter of the lower field, we saw lots of cow parsnip. This pretty bloom was into the woods more than the others and the sun caught it just right.

My children tell me that big leaf maple samaras are edible. These look too immature for munching.

From the internet: Western honeysuckle vines (Lonicera ciliosa) are evergreen flowering vines that are also known as orange honeysuckle and trumpet honeysuckle. These honeysuckle vines climb up some 33 feet (10 m.) and decorate the garden with sweet smelling, orange blossoms. What is Western Honeysuckle? This North American native vine produces lovely, fragrant flowers. Bees and hummingbirds love western honeysuckle vines for the fragrant, trumpet-shaped blossoms that are rich in nectar. Kids also love to suck the sweet nectar from the base of a honeysuckle flower.

What a treasure to find in our woods!

Keeping the forest roads/trails clear is an ongoing process.

See how the fallen tree is bending the living tree? Yeow!

Upstream Griffith creek view.

Downstream Griffith creek view.

The pond formed by large wood as Griffith creek enters our property from the watershed is facinating in its complexity.

Pretty wild iris.