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Phase II (repack)

I call this phase II because I lost my other followup. I related how my car stopped on the road and wouldn't start again. I walked to EOFF electrical warehouse and asked the fellows if they had cables and could get my car started again. They did and it worked. So I drove around for another fifteen minutes to recharge the battery.

One of the ladies saw me walking and as I was late were EAGER to hear the whole story. They LISTENED to me. I had their attention for once.

At the drawing, I won a pretty plastic clothes basket.

Love, Bopcha I'd better not lose this!

Repack day at Tangent

By now you all know what an exciting(?) tour of duty it is for me to volunteer my expertise at opening plastic bags!! at the little town of Tangent. Tangent is noted for the resident of the town who left the balance of his estate to his cat. The cat inherited the house, and the conditions were that he was to be given the best of care until he went to cat heaven. I don't know the current status of the story, and it was some years ago, maybe four or five.

The exciting part of opening plastic bags is listening to the people talk at my table. You learn about their husbands. their worthless sons-in-law, their latest health problems. I can't contribute as I have exceptional sons-in-law, and I can't break into the conversation to tell them about my exercise adventures.

There is a potluck and then the drawing for prizes. I get home after about four hours of entertainment. Love, Bopcha

I just lost my message

Hello everyone,

I just wrote a message and when I saved it, another screen popped up and I lost the message. How annoying.

I let everyone know it's a sauna here in Phila. You don't even need to move to sweat like crazy. Well I have to get back to work so I can't write another longer message. Just wanted to say hello to everyone and hope all is well.

I'll check in later.


It is a Sauna

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. You would be amazed at the unbelievable heat. If you stand or even sit outside, you get this film of sweat on you. It really does feel like a sauna.

I know you are having heat out there on the West Coast, but I just can't imagine that it is anything like this. I am sure you are not having the humidity issues that we are having.

The air conditioning in my building (my office building) has broken down several times, can you imagine how much fun that is.

Our air conditioners are running non-stop at home, our electric bill will be enormous this month. Yikes!

I guess Jessica is excited to be moving to a new place. That is always exciting for a young person, isn't it? I guess you will be seeing her quite a bit since she will still be on Mercer Island. That is very nice. Sorry to hear about Haley's accident. But at least you and Bill were there to save the day. :-)

Diana, thanks for your sympathy about insomnia. It is really an awful thing to have, and gets in the way of daily activity. Nice to know people appreciate how awful it can be.

Well I guess I will get back to work now.

Have a great day everyone.



Very busy weekend!

Sid and Sandra - did Meredith come to Philly? She asked for your email a week or so ago so that she could let you know she was coming.

Bill and I were so busy this weekend. Poor Haley got into a minor accident and her little Colt is probably totaled. She was on the Island when it happened (she had just dropped Noah off at work). Luckily, Bill and I were nearby and were able to go get her. Bill pounded out the fender and drove the little Colt to our house. Her parents came up the next day and took it away.

Although we had been considering it anyway, the accident prompted us to buy another car, so Noah could get to work and help Haley get to work, too. It is a 2004 Toyota Corolla. It has no guts at all, but is a good little commuter vehicle and is a pretty maroon color. Noah has been really good about not complaining or asking for a car for this last year (after the demise of his Honda Passport). Anyway, he can now get around and we can count on having our car when we need it, and Jessica can get to work, too. Hooray!

JB moves this weekend to another house on the Island. It is in MUCH better shape than the current one, and the owners BOTH went to Oregon State so they were thrilled to find out Jess is a Beaver, too!

Gotta get work done so I'll go. Sandra, my heart really goes out to you re: insomnia. Horrible horrible horrible thing to be sleep deprived.




Way to go bopcha,

I suspect that you have explored further that 98% of computer users, way to go!

The hot weather is coming our way, Sandra is still fighting with the sandman :-(

Love Sid


° ¯ ±  › ¦ ² ³ ´ µ Ç Æ Å Ä Ã Ãz { |

This is the most fun. What I really need is a chart that shows the musical notes with the frets and lines. Is there such a thing? But to continue: o p q Z [ \ u v _ x Y Z oh, I already did that, ­ ­░ ] [ _ M X Y Z [ \ + ² µ ¶ · ¯ · ¶ µ Ï ` ^ ° ° ° ° I love these little degree signs! A way to spend a hot afternoon! ` ~ ~ ~ Good-by - Love, Bopcha (:) oh, oh 9 ( :}4

Passing the time

I just went to the blog to pass some time. Sid went out for a ride in his Porsche, I was supposed to go with him but my sister was supposedly coming over. Then she cancelled so I did not even get to go for a ride with Sid. :-(

So I am at work, trying to pass the time until he gets back. I am taking a break from doing more work and decided to read the blog.

Bopcha all those fresh things from Gathering Together Farm sound wonderful. They sure do give out some great stuff don't they? I am glad you are taking on the important role of "checking"

Oh yes you mentioned good old sleeplessness. I wish I were the type that could drink a glass of milk. Unfortunately, when I get it - no amount of milk in the world would help me. Although calcium is supposed to be great for bedtime. I don't wish insomnia on anyone, it is really evil. Sid tells me no one in the family suffers from sleep deprivation - another great genetic quality that this family has.

That's it for now. The weather out there sounds really nice.


Glleaners Day

Today we had many boxes of lettuce from the Gathering Together farm. All varieties that they grow. The people that came to get food were very appreciative. Also there were melons, kiwis, bananas, carrots, and lots of good stuff inside like cakes decorated for birthdays and the Fourth, cup cakes, cookies, lots of bread. At the end of the day everything left over will be hauled to shelters, given to shut-ins. My job is to sit outside and weigh the fresh food they have chosen, not to limit what they take, but to assure higher authority that it is being put to good use.

It is 83° today, with a nice balmy breeze from the East. The best time to visit the coast is when the wind is from the east, so all the clouds are pushed back, and the air is warm. Mmmmm, really nice.

I heard some people talking about sleeplessness. They said a glass of milk at bedtime! I don't know as I have never tried it.

Love, Bopcha

Hello everyone

Bopcha, it is nice to have you back on the computer. I am sure you are happy to be able to read all of our crazy messages again. I really believe in the high tech method of fixing things by turning them on and off or unplugging them. For example, the other night when we could not get our dishwasher to stop doing crazy things with the settings, we just unplugged it.

Worked like a charm. I wish this simple method of On and Off worked for everything that was in disrepair.

Diana, thanks for sending us the lovely photo of Jessica and Noah. Looks like she was in a nice spot for her birthday.



I'm at home

The computer is working again! I guess I fixed it by turning it on again!!!! Love, Bopcha

I'm back

I couldn't resist, I just had to read all the good mail on the blog, Joe, thanks for your comments, the johnny cake man are lyrics for a song, yes, I made up the tune too

Hello Everyone

Happy Birthday Jessica. Hope you are doing something fun, I'm sure you are.

Here in Philadelphia we are experiencing lots of rain, it makes you think we have monsoon season. I think my flowers and plants like it.

It rained on the 4th of July here. It was fun listening to Nina and Alex perform in their band. Nina was kind enough to play the guitar all day long. Mind you she doesn't know her notes yet but that sure isn't stopping her. I guess she will begin lessons very soon. That should be interesting.

Well I hope you all had a wonderful July 4th.

Love Sandra