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Judi and Sandra are painting; Sid and Kay are making a trip to Home Depot to pick up some supplies. I am sweating it out! I think that is a good term for doing nothing. I am listening to Michael Savage, maybe that is something. It has cooled off somewhat this afternoon. Tomorrow I work for the Gleaners. Love, Bopcha


Thanks for the photos!!!!

Talk about chaos!

Bill and I went to a lacrosse game at the high school last night. My boss's son plays and it was a play off game so we went.

Strange game ... but interesting. Mercer Island beat the other team by about 15 goals. Now we are in the finals - that game should be more competitive.

Lacrosse is really an east coast game that is just starting to catch on out here. It is frightening to see teenage boys whack one another with sticks.

I've been at work since about 6:30 a.m.





I signed on the blog this morning before leaving the mountains for my appointment at Penn Dental. I wanted to check Sid's travel itinerary and to see if I could catch him while I was in town. I was stunned to find out my good friend had been hospitalized. Sid I hope you are taking care. I'm so sorry I missed it on the blog a few weeks ago when I sent the Mothers Day note. I really need to take the time and turn the page.

I hope you are improving and we'll catch up when you and Sandra return. I had no clue of your sufferage. Today, since we both once were soldiers, I opted for no novacaine, in homage to your pain and endurance.

See you soon

Best to Bopcha and all.



Where are the photos of Bopcha's kitchen? We are dying to see them!

I am so proud of all the hard work you are all doing, and really proud of Bopcha for being able to stand the chaos such a project necessarily creates.



PS We painted our hall, but now we need to touch it up. I find painting difficult!!!!

Beaver Baseball - We are in the NCAA championship tourney!!!

It was close, but Arizona State, Washington State and Oregon State (in that order) got picked to play in the tournament. We play Texas A&M first.

I really enjoyed reading the blog this evening. I am at work, working late because Bill is attending a fund raiser for his old boss - she wants to be on Seattle's City Council. I am starving and Bill is eating shrimp and other tasty finger foods. Grrrr....

Noah and Bill went to see Noah's hand specialist regarding his unhealed fracture of the scaffoid bone. It is not displaced, but is unhealed. There were 2 choices given:

1) surgery - put in a screw and be in a cast for awhile

2) get a plastic splint and use a bone stimulator (electric cattle prod????) for 30 minutes each day.

Bill and Noah opted to try #2 first and then, in 6 weeks, if there is no progress, #1.

What should he eat to try to stimulate bone growth????

I am anxious to see the new countertop and the rest of the kitchen.




Bopcha and I had a great time today and thank heavens she has a sense of direction or we would never have found her car. The group we were with left their cars at a local winery and then tried to put as many people as they could into each vehicle to reduce the amount of vehicles on the excursion. Bopcha and I piled into mine and thus we left hers. Also, when we got back to Wren my Magellen had me going one way but that wasn't the way we came in so Bopcha who was following me pulled over and waited for me to come back and go in the correct direction. Okay Dee does that sound like something you and I would do or what.

Sid and Sandra are working incredibly hard. They start before I arrive and are still going when I leave.

When I got back home this afternoon, I took the dogs down into the field on the other side of the creek. Saw 2 female turkeys so we tried sneaking up on them to see their babies. Let me tell you turkeys can fly even the young ones. All of a sudden there were several baby turkeys in the air flying for cover of trees and under brush. At least one of the mothers flew right up into the high branches of an oak tree. I mean she flew HIGH. The babies were also very adept at flying which really amazed me.

I do a tick check daily but think I am tick free. But of course there is always my back which is probably hosting a small colony.

I found the most unusual egg today. The egg was slightly bigger than and bird's egg (one of the greenish eggs) and had a perfectly round bump on top. Sid took a picture and I hope it turns out so we can post. We discussed hatching the egg but Sid said it might be deformed and or it would be and normal chick and the shell would be too small for its body and it would die.

Must go get some rest so I can keep up with S&S. Where does Sid get his energy?

What to wear?

It is early in the morning and it is cold because the heat has been turned off and the windows are open to get rid of the paint smell. Soon I will meet with Kay at Wren to go on a sponsored trip to see the blue butterfly that is on the endangered list. I don't know if Sandra will go or not. My, that girl is sure an efficient and hard worker. She is such a big help to us all. And Kay is equally efficient and capable. That doesn't say much for me, as I just watch. Tomorrow, the counter top arrives and then things will be put back from the yard outside--some of the things--I didn't know I had so much!

Back to the subject of this discussion. It will be warm this afternoon and I will be shedding all layers I have added to keep warm this morning. Warm weather is predicted for the next several days.

Sid is such a skilled and exceptional person and such a pleasure to have around.

But how much should I wear? I guess that is what layering is all about.

Love, Bopcha

So now what's happening?

After all of the excitement in Corvallis yesterday, I expected to read about more happenings this morning!

Judi is on her way back home from Colorado Springs, I understand. Hope all goes well with that spectacular trip. Mother and I will be flying over those same mountains very soon.

It is beautiful here today. I am hoping not to work over the three day weekend. We have lots of gardening to do . . .



Today is Thursday

It is l0:30 a.m. on the above day of the week. Already we have been making news. Kay came in with a tick on her back. Sid broke it in two--he was so anxious to be a hero and remove it! Kay and I went to the Imediate Care center at the clinic and a doctor removed the head that was still in there. The head of the tick. Then she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. We were just leaving the parking area when the doctor rushed out to stop Kay from driving off. We went back and the blood pressure was taken again and it was still high. So after counseling on how to handle the situation, we took off. When we arrived home I found some of the furniture in the basement had been loaded in the pickup that Sid had driven from the farm yesterday. I think maybe I will have High Blood Pressure before it is all over.

While Kay and I were at the IC center, Sid had a meeting with Ray from Red Hat. Sid paid him for the work done yesterday in installing the dishwasher. Now, right this minute, Kay and Sid are joining forces in the basement 'sorting', and who knows what. I can't bear to look.

Kay heard from Judi--She is still enroute to Colorado Springs. Love, Bopcha

Welcome, Sid

Glad to hear that Sid arrived safely and will be on the scene as Mother's kitchen undergoes the transformation. I can't wait to see it!

I am really busy at work right now. Mike has a trial coming up, and that means a lot of spill over work for the rest of us. It is a good thing. The work is interesting and the pressure of deadlines always helps motivation.

I enjoyed hearing about the turkey attack! I'll bet the dogs are having the time of their lives!

Noah has enrolled for 10 hours of classes for fall term. He decided against going for a minor in econ and is taking Abnormal Psychology and Entreprenurial Marketing to finish up his degree.

He finally goes to the hand specialist on Tuesday, June 1. I'm guessing they will want to do surgery. Sigh!

Jessica is working hard. Our hours are so different and she spends so much time with Mercer Island's new basketball coach (Gavin), that we see evidence of her, but don't actually see her that much.

Keep us posted on the kitchen project!



Dee's case

Diana that was funny. Everyone once in a while you run into attorneys that really should not be in the practice of law. But for every error they made, I'll bet they are putting the blame on a secretary. They both sound totally off the wall bad and need me for a secretary. I'll bet you are really glad that the case is gone. Now I hope that silly woman can't think of some other grounds to bring a lawsuit on.

While Bopcha was dealing with countertop removal and dishwasher problems, I was walking the dogs in one of the fields close to the woods. I happened to look up and not very far in front of me was a female turkey (hen?) and she did not move. So, thinking that she was injured and I could nurse it back to health and give her to Bopcha, the dogs and I walked closer - all of a sudden it starting making noise - spread her wings and came for us and then around us (heading towards the house). All the time she was making a terrible racket. After she went around us she stopped and looked to see if we were following and then spread her wings and headed back at us. Because I am brave (or was in shock) I didn't move and she went around us and into the woods. I am thinking she was trying to get us away from her babies. This is the first turkey I have seen since I have been staying at the farm - so where there is one there must be more and I would assume at least a few chicks or turklets as we farmers call them. I also looked at an apartment complex (Witham Village Apartments on NW Walnut Blvd) I would like to get into. The rent is duable but you have to provide proof that your monthly wage is 3 times the amount of the rent. Kind of lets me out.

Well I will be off to pickup Sid tomorrow but he will have to drive us back home because I so do not want to drive in rush hour traffic.

If anyone knows where Judi is - let me know.

Installing a dishwasher

Glenn just spoke to me and said they were done. He opened the dishwasher and tried to close it, but it wouldn't close completely. There is about two inches that doesn't close, so now they are working on that. ........... they fixed it.

Sid just talked Kay into picking him up at the airport. Kay has been so helpful!

I have been avoiding the chaos all day. Now it is 5 p.m. and they are just about to drive off. I still have things scattered all over. There, now they (Glenn and a helper) are gone and I will live with this chaos until the countertop is installed the day after Memorial Day, Tuesday the 26th.

Love, Bopcha

Funnier and funnier

I have really enjoyed reading the recent entries!

Yesterday I had hysterics at work. I laughed so hard I cried. It probably isn't going to seem as funny to anyone else, because you haven't had to live with this crazy case as long as I have.

Anyway, it is a long story about a woman who alleges that the City I represent illegally kept her from opening her adult family home (a home for high functioning young adults with handicaps). There is no easy answer to the legal questions, but the litigation process has been truly unique because the plaintiff is pretty unique (hard to communicate with effectively) and her lawyers (two guys my age who are with separate firms - well, they are separate sole practitioners) are buffoons. They are really nice guys, but for some reason, they are buffoons when it comes to this case.

In any event, the case got dismissed because the lawyers failed to respond to our motion for summary judgment. They they filed an appeal and the appeal was dismissed because they forgot to file an appellate brief. Then they made a motion to reinstate the appeal which was granted (grrr.....). So, they finally file their appellate brief, and, as required, they file the portions of the record they want the court to look at in a separate binder.

The binder is a complete joke. They threw in EVERYTHING and did not index it properly and it is so bad it is hard to describe. But the thing that sent me over the edge was when I opened the pages that were supposed to have deposition transcripts on them, only to find that they had shrunk the transcripts down to two inch by one inch images!!!!!! When I saw them, I completely fell apart and went racing around the office laughing so hard it was disruptive.

So anyway, apparently the judges that sit on the court of appeals are not only smarter than the rest of us, they can SEE better than the rest of us!