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I must say -- my sisters are pretty darned funny!

Kay - what a coincidence! Bill and I played Scrabble last night for the first time in probably 10 years! Yes, you can trade in some or all of your letters and skip a turn or just skip a turn and see if other players add words that you can use. At least that is my understanding.

KC, changing the focus to pinpoint worked wonders! My percentage of blurry shots dropped dramatically! Now I need to work on some of the more artistic aspects of photography. Although most of my pictures were not blurry, most of them didn't show anything interesting.

Crewel is sort of like embroidery, isn't it?

The Beavers beat the Ducks in Eugene last night!!!!!!!! Ha! Ha!




I don't even know what crewel is. I don't think I even knew it was a word. You can see why I haven't attempted Scrabble. I definitely can't help you figure out the rules -- but it might be nice if you explained crewel. I've gathered it requires a needle......


Hi all. Just got back from Bopchas where Judi fixed one of her outstanding lunches and I came home with leftovers. That's right leftovers, eat your hearts out.

Also Bopcha, Judi and I played a game of Scrabble and Bop was getting some high point words. I had to drop out early because I couldn't make any more words. On the second game it was just Judi and I and, of course, she won but I put up a good fight. I have a question that wasn't covered in the rules. The rules say that you can put your letters back in and pick new ones and forfeit a turn but I thought when you got to the point where you could not make a word you were out of the game. Judi seems to think you can just pass a turn. The rules did not say - does anyone have any insight????? I am going to study the dictionary before the next game. Judi read that there is a new Scrabble dictionary out so I am keeping my eyes open.

Looking forward to living Tory's trip through email. She always does the best updating re her trip.

Decided to do a crewel project and the first bump in the road was finding the needle that came with the kit. No, I still don't know where it went but I am sure I will step on it at some point and it will end up in my heart. So I found another needle and tried threading it with no luck> I then went to one of those needle threaders that comes in a sewing kit and broke that. Okay, you get the picture, I still haven't started my project because I can't get the blooming needle threaded. Is that a sorry story or what. Oh well back to the Enquirer.

Achievements, Jobs

My, my, my Kay -- while being a connoisseur of sugar ants is quite the achievement, I think you can claim fame through your extended family. What a pleasure and honor to look down your family tree and see so much in terms of achievement and potential--just reading your note about the newest generation coming up was breathtaking. You have top honors in that department I think (not counting Bop of course--since she gets credit for all yours, and ours!!)

Meanwhile, Sandra -- I think they missed one of the best jobs and that's being in the US military--it doesn't pay as well as some and can be somewhat dangerous, but it carries both panache (while in the service anyway) and prestige that leaves one feeling good, even years after one's service is done. Also, I think they should have mentioned being a coach--it's a job for which there are huge numbers of volunteers working so those that actually earn money as well surely would rank the job as being at the tippy top of a list (Gavin may disagree, but I'd wager not). I think your job in human resources would rank as one of the toughest but would not rank as one of the worst. Ironically, defense contractors (like me) would end up among the most despised if there was such a list. Unfortunately, I expect lawyers would be on the same list with the defense contractors (sorry Dee and Bill). Bankers (sorry Tory) would probably join the defense contractors and lawyers too--along with dog breeders. Of course, I expect Nikole's job would be ranked very high--either as an entrepreneur or caring for pets--on the "best loved" list--opposite of the most despised list.I wonder what Murray thinks about his job being ranked at the top of the best jobs?

Sigh. Sandra-- you always get my attention when you post someone's list.

Don't forget to watch Tory's blog when she goes on her month long tour--departing o/about 19 Jan I think. Thanks to brother Murray, she now has a blog. Her blog is at:

Lots of love to all on this delightful, absolutely spectacular Colorado day.


Tonight the gym at Mercer Island High School will be dedicated to Ed Pepple, Noah's legendary high school coach. It will be so appropriate. Then, Gavin's team will play Bellevue, arguably the best team in our conference, and ranked 3rd in the state. Gulp! I will be there, camera in hand, with the settings KC recommended.

All is well here. I signed up for a 10K run to be held in March. It will force me to work out during these cold and rainy days. Can't complain though. The Northwest has been spared most of the harsh weather.



Best and Worst Jobs


You have to love studies - they sure do overstate their value. Doesn't it always seems like studies tell you what you already knew. All I can think is someone is getting paid and is recognized as a skilled professional for publishing this data.

So below is some more valuable data that I came across in one of my endless publications that comes through the internet. Tell me if you think there is anything new here???

Here are the 10 best jobs of 2010 as rated by


Software Engineer

Computer Systems Analyst




Paralegal Assistant



Dental Hygienist

Here are the 10 worst jobs according to the report:




Dairy Farmer


Garbage Collector

Taxi Driver

Construction Worker

Meter Reader

Mail Carrier

Financial Aid (added by sid)

From Sandra

Wednesday and a Root Canal

Yes, I am finally going to get a root canal on the tooth that was killing me just before Bopcha and I left for Colorado to see KC and Tom. The dentist(s) FINALLY believed me. It doesn't hurt at the moment, but I see no harm in being proactive.

Man, upkeep on me is getting very expensive! If Bill ever figures out how much I'm costing, he'll start looking for a newer model! But then again, I think not. His upkeep has increased, too! Hooray! As always, a very balanced relationship.

Love to all,



Well I didn't make any resolutions but will try hard to stay alive and kicking and make my siblings suffer.

I have been trying for years to find something that would give me a special standing with my sibs: Judi is multi-talented, KC and Tom have their dogs and degrees, the attorneys Blakney have their field (and basketball), Sid and Sandra are degreed - so okay here is my claim to fame: I have now officially eaten more sugar ants than anyone in the family (a dubious honor but an honor nonetheless). This morning I poured my cold cereal in a bowl after making sure there were no ants on the outside of the box, poured milk over the top and sat down to watch news on TV and eat. By the second spoonful I realized it tasted a bit peculiar and thought maybe the milk was turning, looked into the bowl and saw a dark spot, then another, and another, yep you guessed it. Once again I did not throw up but flushed the cereal down the toilet, looked inside the box and it was crawling with the little devils. I am sure they are good protein but must find a way to make them taste just a tad better. Once I find a tasty way to prepare the ants, I will gladly share it with the rest of you.

Sandra, isn't it amazing how attached you get to your pets. I started calling my dogs son and realized that if I didn't stop that somebody would commit me (especially my grandchildren) so when in public I call them sunshine. I am hoping that fools the world at large.

Today was another fun filled day at the laundromat (the downside of living in a small tin can). Actually it wasn't so bad since it was senior day and I got a free coffee and had a good book.

I missed the moon so was really glad to see the picture.

We are off and running into the New Year and on that note I have a newly engaged granddaughter (Meredith) and a granddaughter getting really to graduate from Officer Candidate School (Theresa) and I would not be terribly surprised to hear at some point this year that Crystal is expecting. Great grandchild number 4 is due this month (Jake). Tiffany is in school, Christopher is working at a great job at China Lake and healthy, Jon is working and healthy, Jake is working and healthy, Duncan is working and healthy, Maxx is in school and healthy, Devon is working and healthy, Grant is in school and healthy, Alexis is walking and healthy - so all is good with my world

Happy 2010

Hello Everyone,

Sid and I wish everyone a really happy new year. Above all good health is what we wish for everyone. I was sort of hoping that 2010 was going to be the year when I don't have to work in a real job, and I could work at doing something more enjoyable but so far 2010 is not proving to be the year yet, hmmm.....what now. Does this mean I have to go back to work on Monday.

As you may know the University gives us the week between Christmas and New Year's off. What a bonus. It was so nice to have that time off and boy do we feel like we needed it. But then again, who couldn't use a break like that. Everyone deserves some time away. It was a little scary this morning when I logged into my e-mail and I saw a bunch of work-related messages and things that I will have to take care of before January 4 (that is Monday you know). Well I have one day - not much time to get myself together. I had every intention of doing some of the work today, but then I went to the gym with a friend and managed to dwindle away four hours. I finally came home at 6pm and I could start then, right? :-) :-)

All of you sound really good and ready for the new year. I have my occassional fears but for the most part, I plan to make the very best of it. As I go into the new year, I appreciate having each of you as a part of my life, no matter how major or minor. You are such a great group of individuals, all special in your own way.

Oh KC by the way, do you mean you are not in your 40's? All this time I thought you were ;-) Well you are certainly youthful enough to claim you are not a day past 40. Oh and Diana, I noticed one of your resolutions is to make life misearble for Sid. I just wanted to help you out there and let you know that Sid is going back to work on Monday (after a week off). We are pretty well covered in the misery department. Living in Philly is also helping a lot in meeting that goal. Sid thinks that no one has anything over him in terms of making life miserable - he doesn't believe you can even compete with his unrelenting strategies for "50 years"

But Dee don't get me wrong I am sure you can contribute to this if you would like, there could not possibly be a shortage of strategies in this particular area.

Kay, by the way we have been to the "block....." restuarant. It is actually kind of nice. I hope you all enjoyed. It is nice to be inside and warm with your little dogs (as you mention). We are also really enjoying our little white kitties. They are so cute. I never thought I would love cats as much as I love these two little critters. I am very grateful for both of them. They bring much joy to our lives., even if they are spoiled little bratty kittens. Actually they are well behaved thus far.

Sid and I cooked up a storm yesterday in order to have my Mom and Grandma over. Of course we also had my sister and family over. The food was delicious but I have to say it is challenging to cook for an Italian family that cooks really well and KNOWS they cook really well - they never let you forget it, if you know what I mean. Sid ended up making this delicious "pate" by mistake and it was delicious. Only problem with pate is that you ended up eating tons of bread since it goes so well with bread.

Anyway, my very best with lots of love and happy wishes.


Here We Are -- 2010 Already

Oh my goodness, I can scarcely believe it's 2010. I remember when the clock turned from 1999 to 2000 - doesn't seem that long ago but I guess it is. Tom and I were talking to my fellow workers at a dinner out last night--I mentioned we met in 1990 and one of the kids there blurted out that it was before he was even born -- since the kid was a 19 year old WalMart associate, pulling down a responsible job, it sort of put things in perspective I guess. I still think of myself as a 40 year old -- a great self image except its actually my own children that are close to that magic age, not me.

OK Sid - I'll reduce the pictures before I load them and then repeat the process once they are loaded and see if that makes a difference. Privately, I think the blog just doesn't want me to publish pictures but I'll give it another chance.

One of Kazan's babies (Matador) from his first litter made with Svora's Scandalous won the 2009's number 1 AKC lure coursing borzoi as measured by dogs defeated over the entire year. (I'll remind you that it was one of Kazan's babies (Cuda) from his second litter make with Rosehill GL Serigraph that won the 2009 AKC National Lure Coursing Championships for borzoi this year--and Cuda's brother won it in 2008 if you recall. Kazan can make some wonderful babies, no question!!!

We are getting our ducks in a row (i.e., health testing, teeth cleaning, fitness and weight management, etc) for Tornado and Aramis to make puppies (or pupsicles as they are called when dealing with frozen semen). Fingers crossed for puppies arriving on/about 6 June 2010. A nice auspicious year I think.

Tom and I are sending our love and best wishes to all for a fabulous, healthy 2010.

Blue moon last night

Thank you, KC, for the outstanding picture of the blue moon, and thank you Sid for posting it on the blog. We had loads of rain yesterday, and when all the low spots in the field across from me were filled, I saw something (it was dark so I couldn;t tell what) taking a bath in one of the puddles. It was really splashing over and over and having a great time. I looked through the binoculars but still couldn't figure out what was making such a splash.

Kay, it was Block 15 where we ate. You were almost right. Love, Bopcha

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. Bopcha, Judi and I went out and tried a new restaurant this afternoon. I think it was called Block 14 (Bopcha what is the name?). I enjoyed my sandwich but don't think Judi or Bopcha were impressed with theirs.

Yesterday I took the bus to the library, then to Timberhill Shopping Center and bought too many groceries at Winco. I was going to walk home but the bags were too heavy. So, I decided to catch the bus home. After 1/2 hour the bus came along and darned if it wasn't going the wrong direction and heading back to town. So, I rode the bus back to town and then on its return route headed toward my end of town. Longer trip than it should have been - but live and learn.

Rain is still coming down but the dogs and I are safely inside staying warm and dry and settling in for an evening of crosswords and television.

Made teriyaki pork and rice for dinner. Pretty darn good.

Love the Corvallis library and they have a wonderful reading room where the magazines are located. Got my library card and I'm good to go.

I hope 2010 is a healthy year for all of us.

Blue moon

Wow! Nice shot, but there has to be a better way to shrink these photos before they are uploaded. Hint Hint Love Sid