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You know how jealous I am that you found the arrowheads. Now, I need to relinguish my title of great arrowhead finder. I am beyond thrilled. But as payback, if the arrowheads are not on the farm table when you get back - just try and find them. Seriously, I will not touch them. What a find.

Hope you all had fun and I hope this posts to the blog because I lost the last one a couple of days ago. Did I mention that I got the worst hair cut I have had in years and I pretty much resemble a chemo patient. I went online and ordered a wig so we shall see what it looks like. If it is duable, I will email Dee a picture so she can post. (Short wig - I don't long long). My allergies are in overdrive - Dee what are you taking that doesn't bother our eyes?


Plan on taking my RV out next week and considered the campground at South Umpqua Falls but it sounds like dry camping We haven't had any significant rain since Judi caulked the RV so I figure if I take it camping, it will rain (Murphy's law). I am also considering going to Lostine to visit Pat Fairfield but it is a 6+ hour drive so still undecided. I think I will keep an eye on the weather and make a decision this weekend.

I think Diana and friends are at the farm this weekend - and they have had great weather. I'm sure the fire feels good in the evening.

I think this is supposed to be a cold winter so those of you in Colorado and Philadelphia just might wish you were in Oregon.

Saw on Dogs 101 something re Borzois and was really impressed. They did say that they should never allowed to run loose in an unsecured area and should be on a leash when walked. Could it be because they go a zillion miles an hour. I fully expected to see pictures of KC and Tom with their Zois.

Working on booties for Harper but having a terrible time. Will give it one more shot and then try my hand on crocheting a newborn beanie.

Tory & Borzois

Tory looks great. Congratulations to KC in making that long haul and congratulations to what continues to be an amazing winning streak amongst the KC and Tom Borzois. Obviously they both know how to train their dogs and pick good stock.

Took the dogs to the farm today and it was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Dew on the grass, the sun was shining and the forest was on fire with trees of red, green and gold. I always describe what I am seeing to Bopcha, Granny and Uncle Matt just in case they are listening.

Saw lots of deer tracks and, of course, the wild turkeys in the field. We walked across the bridge and around the lower field - always keeping an eye open for that lone coyote that might want a small morsal to nibble on. Grabbed a couple apples from the trees and ate them both before I got back to town.

Stopped at the Philomath Post Office and mailed Alexis birthday present. Much cheaper to buy for a 3 year old.


Its amazing what one can come up with. However, I am not having so much luck on the Polish side.

Tom's 60th

Had a really wonderful time at Tom's party and met some really interesting people - had a great time and really glad to have been able to share the day with him and my siblings.

As always, great to make a memory with the sibs.

The trip to and from Colorado was wonderful and interesting. However, one of the most adrenaline moments was our encounter with the rattlesnake. Still sorry we didn't go back and get the car and a camera to get a photograph. I gladly would have held Dee's ankles as she hung out the car window to get a picture.

Another good family memory that would have made Bopcha happy.


Yep, I think Steph is one happy girl.

Took the dogs up to the Sulpher Springs yesterday and was parking my car when a coyote ran in front of the car. I obviously did not get out of the car until I was sure he had disappeared into the woods. So on this walk, I carried a very long stick and kept the dogs out of the underbrush.

Did I mention that my left eye has almost regained all the sight it had lost. I would think it is probably 20/60 (without glasses) which is really really good compared to what it had dropped to which was about zero. After my next appointment with the surgeon, I will set up an appointment with my eye doctor and get a new glasses prescription.

My poor tomatoes are struggling and with my luck will ripen while I am in Colorado.

Trying my hand on selling things on Ebay and I have people watching a couple of the items but no bids as of yet. I was hoping that I could sell and make enough on Ebay to avoid going back into the workforce - but no, it looks like I will be looking for some type of employment in September.

See everyone soon.

Stephanie Whitfield

My first message did not post.

Stephanie Kay Whitfield is engaged to be married. Mike Montoya belongs to her church and is the son of one of her friends. They have known each other for quite some time and he has passed the inspection of her children.

I think they plan to be married in the fall. Stephanie has been single for 18 years.


Apparently whether or not you have to lay face down depends on the type of bubble that is injected into your eye. So, no, I did not have to be on my face but I was not supposed to be on my back in bed or a recliner or bend over. Not bending over is the hardest because it is done to automatically. I am still looking through a glass of water. I think he said it takes about a week for the bubble to dissolve and 3 weeks to actually see. Tiffany is taking good care of me.

Judi and Max are due back at the farm today to continue mowing. So I put on a roast. Me feeding anyone is pretty iffy at best. We are having rhubarb crisp for desert (thanks to Dee).

KC did I mention that Donna Brown has totally disappeared off the face of the earth and according to Rita none of the family knows where she is. I think that happened a few years ago.

KC you really need to come to a Days Creek reunion some year just for kicks. They are a lot of fun and a little depressing (for me) because the people I poked fun at all my life that stayed in the hills have wonderful retirements and their homes are paid for.

I think on Wednesday I will have Tiffany take me home. Not that I don't love the farm but I am missing my hiddy hole. Yesterday Tiff took me back to the house to pick up my mail and hook up my new computer. She said it is working. I am a bit concerned about hooking up the printer but Joe said Jonathan is pretty savy and can walk me through it. Once again, one can only hope.

Looking forward to seeing you all shortly.

Joe and Jonathan bought a new 24 foot RV (I think the length is correct) and they took it to Nevada to see Uncle Dick (Les's brother). Dick battled cancer once and it is back and I think is in hospice. So a lot of the kids and grandkids, Les and Margie headed to Nevada to see him. Mike and Tina were not able to go.

Eye Surgery

Actually have no pain in the eye but when it isn't covered, a bit hard to walk. Looking through the eye is like looking through a diving mask full of water. Once the bubble has dissolved, hopefully my sight will improve.

I am at the farm for a few days recuperating and Tiff will be down on the 9th for several days to help me with the dogs, etc.

Great picture of Judi and horse/dog. Loved the fact that the Blakneys now have a another kitten. They must know how I feel about solitary animals. Everyone needs a friend.

Still have 3 geese as of today. No idea what tomorrow will hold. Also saw one lone Jake running across the field a few minutes ago.


Everyone in Ridgecrest is doing great. Anna is a little doll.

The visit with Sid and Sandra was way short but had a nice relaxing time.

Tonight is Grant's graduation. The temp is supposed to be in low 90s. The graduation starts at 8 p.m. and will be held outdoors but to get a seat, we need to arrive at 6:30. We are taking lots of water.

Will head back home on Sunday.


Sounds like Philadelphia has its traffic issues.

Can any of you runners/walkers suggest some good shoes for walking. I walk the dogs every day and when I return it is hard to walk because the bottom of my feet feel bruised. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have a very new great granddaughter - Audriana Nicole Hunter. Audriana joins a brother and sister. I emailed a picture to the sibs. So tomorrow, I go mail the baby gift (my traditional crocheted baby blanket).


One of my neighbors had some form of dementia and recently apparently got lost - so his kids were moving things out of his trailer today. My neighbor said he is going into an assisted living facility. Another husband possibility down the tubes.

Went out to the farm today to feed geese and cat. Geese alive but the eggs are now getting eaten as soon as they are laid. Did not see the turkeys.

Of course Corvallis is the safest place to be. We expect to see you out at your farm when the big one hits all the other states. Judi and I will have dinner ready because the farm is a lot closer to us than you. HA. We may even prepare our famous goose dinner and perhaps shove an apple in its mouth like a pig. Also in lieu of goose we just might go to the creek and catch some trout and/or maybe a turkey. You may own the farm but remember he who gets to the farm first, gets the best bed. Sorry Sid and Sandra - that would be my body stretching in comfort.

Diana good picture of you and Bill. Was glad to get a glimpse of Noah girlfriend. If Jess won't get married, perhaps at some point, we can coerce Noah into having his wedding in Hawaii. (I know Bill, I can hear you grumbling from here - NOT FOR ANOTHER 10 YEARS and THEN you may push Judi and I in our wheelchair built for two with a side car holding my two ancient dogs.)

This will be our firm Mother's Day without Bop so not a good one. I plan on going to the cemetary tomorrow to visit for awhile.

Happy Easter

Geese Scare. Early A.M. this morning (1 a.m. or so) , Tiffany heard a lot of noise from the geese and went outside with a stick and a light and saw the eyes of something that was trying to drag off a goose. She made a lot of noise and it ran away. The goose is still alive and Tiffany thinks it might be okay. So that means it was probably a cougar and the geese are on borrowed time.

The store window is outstanding. Was that Jess' idea? Beautiful.

Hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Easter. Yep, that's right, Tiff and I will be at Judi's house for a nice ham dinner. I am bringing the deviled eggs. Looking forward to it.

Took my poor car over to Judi's and washed it this afternoon and it looks like a new vehicle. Was afraid if I didn't do something soon, I would be drummed out of the hood.

Judi's Vehicle

Judi and I went to the Walmart in Lebanon in her car. It is really nice. She also has a trailer hitch on her car which I really want. Nice rig.

Lots of goose eggs in the nest and the racoon and/or skunk hasn't been eating them lately. Now that I have said that, they will probably all be gone by morning.

Beautiful day at the farm and the dogs and I walked over the creek and into the next field and walked the area. If you all ever decide to move to your farm and you walk that field, do not panic if you see a big yurt and a little yurt. That would be me and my chickens. The turkeys were in the lower field and went running off into the woods. One of the dogs decided to roll in some turkey poop so we had a little bath upon returning to the trailerhood.

Diana, the rhubarb was wonderful.


Thought I would let you in on my most recent accidental recipe. I threw some chicken thighs in a plastic bag, put in flour and garlic salt and then added my seasoning salt. I kept shaking in the seasoning salt so it would be sure to cover the chicken WHEN all of a sudden I realized it wasn't seasoning salt but cinnamon. It was eatable but I certainly do no recommend it.

The geese are alive and well and Max is taking care of the chickens. Haven't seen Miss Kitty but her food is gone when I go out to the farm. So, either she is eating the food and/or one of the farm residents is eating the food. Turkeys were in lower field by bridge.

Beautiful day in Oregon.